Thursday, March 23, 2017

I Weep for the Human Race....

What is happening to us? Have we, in the western world become so used to our freedom, the people before us, fought for that we think it can never be lost? We all have the right to freedom of speech. Yet, some, like the SJW's, LGB, and honestly I get lost in all the lists that really fall under, SJW. These groups don't want speech for all, they want speech for them. Only them. I've been very aware of these issues, but the war is here. In my last blog, I talked about a few wonderful YouTuber's, today I must bring them up again. Dave Cullen (Computing Forever, You Tube & Dave Cullen, He is talking about 'The Consequences of Denying Reality'. ( You can find the video there. He is talking about what is really going on in the European counties. The culture war of the Islamic state.

They have a culture, who has no problem killing, raping, and doing what they want to people that are not of their faith, their political ally. If you read from Political Islam, a place that, as far as I can tell is laying it out correctly. An article called, 'What is Islam?' ( and I read 'Golden Rule Islam' ( Which talked about the dualistic ethics that Islam has and what if it had the 'Golden Rule', (Do on to others as you'd like them to do to you) as the western culture does. A few key points I want to put out here. If you are not Muslim you are a kafir. You can find this on the Islamic political system, as the article points out, in the Koran, Hadith (which is the tradition of Mohammed) and Mohammed biography, the Sira. These books define how they deal with all non-Muslim people, and as I said, if you are not Muslim (of Islam) you are kafir.

Why is this important? Please read the article, but I will touch base on a few key points. One, Islam is Political. They work not only as a religion but a way of life, a culture, political doctrine. They have one belief,  'all kafirs must submit to Islam, not only in faith, but in politics and public life. Every aspect, let me say that again, Every Aspect of the kafirs civilization must submit to the political Islam. Does that sound like they will work with the western world? If you said yes, do more research, because unless you make up a world and change reality, I don't see how you can stand on that side. As...annoyed as I am with Google starting to, or getting worse about censoring knowledge, you can still find all you want on this subject. At this time. This is just a part of what you need to understand. I do not want to rewrite what Political has already written, only give you a part of what is going on and how I feel about things.

Our government and the governments of a lot of the western world is hiding all of this. Or burying it. The other threat to the western world is 'political correctness'. This has gone to far. Watching, 'Europe is Finished. Nothing can Save it Now.' ( It shows how in Kindergarten children are being taught to dress, act, and play as male & female. Books that talk about same sex mothers and fathers, as normal. Correct even. These small children are called 'it', so as not to identify as male or female. What is wrong with this? We are not 'it's'. I am not an it. My sex is not a social construct. I was born female. I am proud of the fact I am something. When you start teaching children that young, you are not giving them a right to choose when they get bigger and can understand sex, identity, you are conditioning them to be bi. This is what the LGBT want. This is what the SJW's want. We all live in a 'safe' bubble, ignore life, and no one is anything. We are all just 'it's' and 'them'. How are we allowing this? Tolerance.

Don't get me wrong, this should have been a great thing. But what is tolerance?

Well, the Google definition is: 1 The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. 2 an allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity, especially in the dimensions of a machine or part.

So, lets start here. The willingness to be okay with a particular existence or opinion, or behavior one does not necessarily agree with. No part of that says, you must change your way of thinking. This is what the SJW and all the factions under them are doing. They started with us having and being tolerant. Okay. I agree. Your life should be Your choice. You should be able to make those choices with out being beat up, killed, or unable to work. But, to indoctrinate other peoples children, to force people to be bi, and have no say, who is truly the tolerant one? What is worse, that these people are weakening the western world and the political Islam is pouncing...and they will kill everyone that is gay, bi, trans, or that is kafir. They are kafir. We all are kafir. Yes, some will be kind, for awhile. But it is not against the Koran or Sira, or Hadith to be kind. For a time. This is the duality of political Islam.

Here is an example: (found on 'What is Islam')

109:2 I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship, and you will never worship what I worship. You to your religion, me to my religion.

Now this sounds fine. This is very tolerant. Perfect. But, we are not done.

9:5 When the sacred months are passed, kill the kafirs wherever you find them. Take them as captives, besiege them, and lie in wait for them with every kind of ambush. If they submit to Islam, observe prayer, and pay the poor tax, then let them go their way. Allah is gracious and merciful.

9:5 is written later, therefore the stronger verse in their minds. Does that sound tolerant? If you said yes, have issues. So, we are truly at war. Worse....we are at war with ourselves. A world war that the government hopes we have our eyes shut to. They are taking the free media, making sure our greatest weapon is taken from us. Fake news, altered news, making the people go back 100 years in progress with Race, identity and culture. I do not fully understand it, as a world of political Islam should not be even what any corporation would want. They would have so much less money to make. They should not want to take 'You' out of 'YouTube'. Why, because so many people watch the people they are trying to get rid of! They will...are noticing. People like me, who are no one, are noticing and are starting to speak out more then a comment here or there. The more they push, the more they let innocent people die, the more all people will wake up and say, 'Enough'. However, if we keep letting SJW's win, we won't be able to fight. If you think it's not here then read this:

( It's a petition that will lead you to an article about a poor couple in Georgia, USA, that was wrongly convicted (or at lest grossly overly punished) for supposedly threatening a person. No real evidence, yet the male got 20 years and the women 15 for making a person mad. How is this justice? But my point, is this is one, one, example of what is happening in the USA.

Right now, in the US, as far as I can tell, other then gangs, we do not have a lot of immigrants doing what they are in Europe, but only do to us not fully opening up. Our main threat at the moment is 'SJW's'. Now with Trump, I hope it will not come to the massive 'no zone's' of Europe, places so dangerous with the law of refugees taking over, that cops will not enter. If one is caught inside, one is on their own. I feel so bad, yet what do we do? Their governments, the people, have to get them out, but their own government is not helping the people. Our government is trying to screw us. For years, I did not believe we voted any anyone. One corruption after another. Then Trump won. (Shockingly, but gratefully for Hilary was evil) I do not agree with everything, although I am impressed he has done what he said he would. No one has done that in office for, as long as I can remember. I even hoped Obama would be a good person, well that was way wrong. He did not care about the US. Like most politicians, it is for themselves. Well, most. The few that got in it with great idea's, they brake them down.

I'm going to share a poem I wrote. I think it may be a good way to end my blog today.

And the World cried Blood
As our own chains bind us to this
Never-ending Night
We brought this down upon our
Immortal Souls
Knowledge known to us
Pushed into our Minds
We could have stopped the
Yet we stood by and did Nothing
to late we Cry out for Redemption
Now all you hear is the cry of Pain
Lost to all that is Good
Lost all for some
That was believed to be Needed
Doom is all we left Behind us
Grief is all we
Now Know
Heed my Words
Blood Pours from my Eyes
As I'm Forced to watch the World Decay
While so many Choose
To Dance with their Disillusions
My Warning Cries go Unheard
As my Chains Rip through my
And Darkness Swallows it's Prey
Yet no one Sees that this
Dark Demented World
Is our
And our gift to our Children....


Thursday, March 9, 2017

My Point of View on It.......

I've found myself thinking of that annoying word 'Christianity' is. I do believe in God. Let me say that, but I find I agree with the views of Atheists more often. Why? They do not hide their true morals behind the guise of 'God' when it suits them.  If God truly wants people to be moral, be good to each other, and stop being so judgement to each other, then you won't find that in any church. Sure they preach it, but then they preach a lot and follow through in very little. Mostly what you get is why they are right and all others are wrong, even though they are suppose to all 'christian'. And if your not part of the title of 'christian' that's even worse.

No, what they teach is to look down on your fellow man, walk around homelessness unless you can be seen doing a good deed, and make sure you keep your nose high while trying to appear humble. In my eyes, that is  not what it was about. What mean is, faith. Faith is not the same as religion. Something I learned while working at Barnes&Noble in Seattle, WA. Nor is being a christian. It's a state, not what religion you are. Something I had to come to understand. I guess I can blame my father for tell me at a young age, question everything, do not take it at face value. So I didn't.

What's funny, is you do not need a church to be part of God's world. No where will you find that stipulation. Nor, does it say come to Him blindly. To seek Him is to seek Knowledge. Or that's what I got from it. I love having my views challenged, but then I'm not one of these crazy people that think science is all wrong. Yes, I do think the big bang theory happened, I just believe it had help. The timeline and the bible do really go hand in hand if you look at it as a timeline, not a word for word thing. Also the world is not flat, and the sun does not go around us. (to all the egotistical people that thinks the universe does go around them.)

Who knows what it may be if the bible was only altered to help the church. Yes. I know. But I also think that the bible can still speak to you (not literary), and that for the most part, in today's world they are trying to keep it as close as they can in new translations. At least not trying to impose their own words more then it already was.

The rest comes down to right and wrong. I have issues with a lot of what God did in the first testament. Like a king that kills a man so he can take the wife, then God punishes the people till the king finally cries out for mercy to the people for his wrong doings. One, that seems so mean, but if you look at from today, how may wars are we in from the leaders of our countries, not the people? So many die for needless greed, more often then not. So what is that story really about? However, there is one where a man ...a prophet is made fun of by a group of boys, cries out to God to have them mauled by a bear. I had to look that up because it made no since. After I read still seems a bit excessive. Maybe if they where doing more like beating him up or something but I don't know. So, that I take more into someone had a bad day. But that's me. I don't throw it out, it's more a glimpse into what is going on in a mind we can't talk to. However, I would not use that as a, "See this is God tell me I can kill you for making fun of me!" Either. As I said, to me it was an over reaction. With what little information we have on that part.

Now, if you keep reading or doing a little research, the bible also goes on to teach, 'do not judge or you will be judged how your judged.' Not word for word mind you, a basic restatement here. So don't go quoting please. Well, we all will make a judgement, but if we think, wow if I did that do I really want to go to hell? (Since that is something people of faith are suppose to believe in.) I mean hell is suppose to be for the worse of the worse. So you send someone there, I'd hope, that really, really deserved it. Case in point. The church (man made by the way) teaches us that if you aren't a christian you go to hell right? Well, how do they know what a true christian is? I mean, I can't read God's mind, and if you read the bible he's forgiveness has forgiven things the church tells he won't, while saying he is all forgiving. (which is it?) In my mind, I don't think I want to judge people to hell, I may need that forgiveness someday.

I was working at Borders books in Seattle, WA when a man came up to me. He asked me, "Are you a christian?" Admittedly I found that very odd, so I answered in that uneasy way may do when uncomfortable and said, "yes?" He then said with an edge in his voice, "So you believe if I don't believe in Jesus I'll go to hell?" Now I remind you this was out of them blue of me just working and putting books away. Why he picked me I have no idea to this day. It's not like I ware a lable that says, I'm a christtian and I want to judge you.

However, after his question I didn't hesitate.  I said, "No." I could see his surprise as he slightly stammered out, "But, you said you're a christian." I said, "yes I am. But I do not know what will happen when someone dies. I do not know if you have a valid reason, or a good heart. God makes that choice, not me." He just walked away without another word. I stood there a moment going.."what the?" But, I do think he had never gotten that response. Which is truly sad.

I think faith is more of an unspoken act of goodness that we all may have, no matter what you may think or believe. I think the christian that throws the first stone happily then cries out for protection will be thrown into the depths of hell faster then anyone that calls themselves an atheist.

I have  a friend that is an atheist and I found it refreshing to once again have to think about why I do or do not think the way I do. I need it. I hear so many dumb arguments, oh and the one that is, 'the bible says it, so it is.' COME ON people. Really. Nothing.  Even has a christian one can use logic and facts to back up one's side if a little true research is done. Do not take everything at face value. Yes, some things come from faith and feelings. the ones that is hard to express otherwise. But, it's hard to say no one has any feelings or a type of faith. Even if it's in the way that you use what you witness and go through. You will, of course start to take faith people or things will not lie or drastically change and what not. It's the basic ground work for trust. Even in facts.

At any rate, I'm sad to know that I don't think many think like I do. Or if they do, they really get shuffled in the background. Shunned also by the very people they say we are a part of. I don't see it. As I said, I have more in common with those calling themselves atheists, if nothing more then I am not ruled by non logic and unchallenged doctrine.

I hope one day, people can find a better way to communicate to each other, but till then, we will have a world of turmoil and people shaking their head going....'really?' Good luck people. Try and remember you may not be right either before you dig your feet in the ground and make that line. Make sure it's a worthy line.   -Out

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Avatars & are lives.....

Our lives are so interconnected that often we do not put ourselves all out there. Not only can it be dangerous. But, people use it against us. You post to FB and someone doesn't like what you have to say, so instead of just not responding or letting it go, they get mad. Really mad. Kinda over reaching their authority in my opinion. Or, lets look at that boss that sees a tweet or FB post and fires you. Which tells me you can be let go for having an opinion, I did not know that was against the law. I don't care if you did it at work, or about work. If it's at work, you could lose it due to not staying on task sure, but for posting? Come on people. How is our social life have tied to whether or not we can do our job? I could see that if you where doing things against the law, this is a different story; however, saying you do or do not like someone\something differ in politics seems a bit of a stretch. We all need that outlet. However, this is just not the case, so what do we do....create an Avatar.

I love watching some people on YouTube. icklenellierose, The Amazing Atheist, Sargon of Akkad, and PewDiePie to name a few. Not because they say the same things or even seem to hide who they are..but do in fact seem they are who they are. A bold move in this world. They don't just read or watch one thing and react, but do a research, take time to look at the word around them even and call people out on their crap. The other part of observed, is they do their post not only to be seen, heard or for their watches, but themselves. The best is always done for you first and your audience next. Since the point is to reach them. In a digital world we should be more informed. In some ways we are, in others...I think we are lazy. We read one thing, or watch one thing and take it as fact; however, I think You-tubers like those I named, are helping to brake us free, which brings me back.

We may not know for use if their name alone is the avatar that helped their true self or a part of themselves to be seen, or if to protect them. But their name alone is unique to give you a part of who they are at a glance. But like a book, you cannot stop there, or you will miss all else they have, just like all us that use our avatars.

In my opinion, I really think we all need that avatar, an outlet. Some of us use FB as that outlet. A way you have as much or as little control you want. On YouTube, your public, once you publish. The whole point of being on YouTube and nothing wrong with that; however, FB if you so chose you can hide, as long as you also watch your friends list. Although that being said, you still can make something locked for your eyes only. It can be a safer way of an outlet, a safety net, of sorts. As safe as this world on online is that is.

I have found myself even having three sides of myself. My FB, my blog, and another outlet that is hidden to all those that I know can't handle my own FB. How many of us do this? How many of us need that to stop feeling so caged in? I would expect a lot more then we know of. Not that we need to know. That's what the avatar is. A safe way to show one or more sides of you. I am more then what I have to be for where I live. Do I find ways to express them, yes; however, I couldn't function if I spoke or did somethings that I wanted, all the time. Nor could most of us. To be a part of society.

I find the fact that I have an avatar that is on its own, that is not a part of my everyday life is freeing. I can show that side of me I used to show, but also a part that is just that. New. And due to this, I am free. No long caged in one world. But another. One where all of who am does not stress me out. Something in which would be helpful to many people. I have been offline for the most part of 6 months, I know it may be awhile since I will not have this as an issue. Even now I know my time is short, and soon I will be going back and I won't have internet. And all I can hope that it is finally coming to an end.

What I found as I've been offline is that my world got to small, to confined because of where we must live for now. I know my little blog in this small part of the internet may not be seen by anyone or much of anybody, but I do not care. It is an outlet. Maybe someplace someone can have a thought challenged, or even learn something they didn't know or never thought about. And that is so great! It's why I watch the YouTube people I do. One for fun, two to have My own mind set challenged. I do not want to stop learning or get caught without the ability to change. I do not always agree with all their opinions, but I respect and normally can even see why they see things the way they do. Plus if I did agree with all their opinions I'd have no reason to watch. Or very little.

So, this is where I leave this post. If you did find my post and enjoyed it, thank you for reading. leave a comment if you like or follow me. I'm slow at the moment, but as soon as i can I'll try and upload more often.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

No Internet Sucks!


I normally try and write a blog sooner then this, but I've had no internet for a long time. Sucks. It's amazing how much we do online. Some say, 'internet is a choice, you don't need it.' No, it is not. So much from government help, to job search and app's are all online! Mail, pay stubs, weather, shopping....all online. And right now I'm in a VERY small town, so you want anything, Amazon here I come!

This is a short time for me to have internet for now. I hope soon to be back to normal, but circumstances have led to a blissful few days of internet.

You know small towns are hard. If you are not raised in them. They are not like T.V. where everyone knows your name. Well kinda. Expect they use it to talk behind your back. Now, not everyone, let me say that now; however, it's a lot. The gossiping, like a bunch of young teens before we're suppose to know better. Why so bad? ....better to do. Give me the Big City shadow, any day. More crime? Not as often, however, while living in this small town I've seen a few robberies, a murder, and a but load of domestic violence. In area's of this increasingly small town. Are there good, sure, and would I be so harsh if they were more honest, no. But, for the bible belt (save me) it's a very hypocritical area. Dance is not, nor will ever be evil. Free thought.....not evil. Learning, not evil. And not fitting into a box...(proudly) not evil. But they kinda teach it that it is.

Now on the whole, this is my over all issue with the human race, it's just so much more in your face when you live in a small town. Some are worse then others, some better. There are good, think out side the box people here too. A few. But they are in turn treated, differently.

I, like most  people, don't agree with what everyone says or thinks. If we all agreed I bet it would be easier and quieter, but a lot less colorful, and I expect, boring. I try to respect a different view, mostly, some views I just can't agree with because those views only cause pain, but I do try for the most part. That doesn't mean I agree or will change my opinion or thoughts just because one is presented, but I can and do listen. And not just till I speak again. Why is respect for someone such a hard thing now a days? Or maybe I shouldn't say respect, but courtesy. As humans we have the ability to know better, yet on average, we choose not do have this.

This is how it is right. All the idea's in the world, we use half for good with some and find a profit for the rest. Then deny and complain. I have no idea if I really believe we can grow out of this or not. So much art, inspiration, caring in the world. Yet over shadowed by profit, greed, 

Been on my mind. Our lives are hardened by those that don't seem to understand or just don't care about what actions they take or do can affect someone. We do make mistakes, but mostly just trying to fix and re-fix what is going on. But then, that is what most of us are trying to do right? Humans......