Thursday, September 25, 2014

Morals...what are they?

One of my favorite YouTuber's is icklenellierose. I find her insightful and funny. She had done a piece on this Sam Pepper guy who was, well 'pranking' women by pinching them, hand cuffing them to him, and so on. When YouTube took off the video, he did a 'pranking' men in the same way, then when called out he choose to call the two video's a 'social experiment'. Most people give that story very little credit.

 You can find iclenellierose's video here if you want to check her or that story out: (

So, why I am I bringing this up, I think it's a good time to ask about morals. Okay, so says that moral is, 'basically pertaining to or concern with the principle rule of right or wrong or our ethical expression'. Oh that old bugaboo, good vs evil. Whether you are religious or not, this conflict is in everyday life. As humans we know what is right, wrong, good, evil or just plain grey. We may find many ways to justify our motives, but that doesn't make them any less wrong or right.

Movies that normally do well, and are not horror films which could go either way, are where Good, for the most part, wins. As most people state: "If I wanted to see evil win I would have stayed home or gone out my front door." So this battle is not unknown. Yet, we see the lines being blurred more and more and then ask...."Why is society going down hill?" I don't think I need to point out the ironic part here. I hope.

So why are we allowing this to happen, well one reason would be that dumb idea we, as a society, have all gone overboard with, here in the states anyway, 'Politically Correctness'. Who comes up with this? I'm not saying that somethings do not need to be address; however, when you're scared to discipline, I said discipline not beat the crap out of (there is a HUGH difference), your kid and let them scream so people don't think whatever it is that stayed your hand is, well wrong. All we teach them is, if you scream and through fits you'll get your way. Or, how about saying, I'm not attracted to that type of women or man, and being called racist? How is that racist? You said, you're not attracted to them, not they are the scum of the earth, for no reason. Big difference. When did it become a crime to have a preference?

But, these are not the only parts of this moral dilemma we find ourselves in. Family is another. What is family? Those that you were born to? Those that your parents married? Or those you picked? Or, could it be all three? Sometimes. The real trick is, how long do you go before you say, I've had enough. Of course, when you do, it's all your fault. Whether it is or not, it is. For me, I had a mom that cheated on my dad, although she did marry, stay and even died with that same guy, so I'll give her that. Then my dad married another women, with mine and my brothers blessing (sadly). She would tell us how horrible our mother was, and she that she would never do what my mother did or ignore us like she did a lot of the time we grew up. And if anything ever happened to my dad, she was have taken great care of us, (this I highly doubt, looking back and her actions of late.) I wish I had that on record now. Yes, folks, the evil step-mother has shown her ways. It all started after the birth of her own child, when suddenly I was unreliable, (unless she needed me, although not to hear her talk now), untrustworthy and so on. Only problem is, I didn't lie, I did what I was told, for the most part, and all in all was a good kid. They got off lucky comparable to most teens of today or even my half sister. She did well in school, and is, like my step-mom, looking at a good job. She is also out for number one, and has very little family value. May not be so good for a golden years mother later in life. Just saying. They raised her like an only child, and it shows. Is all I'm going to say on that.

So, who is being unmoral?? I was taught to turn the other cheek, most of the time, take care of peoples stuff...well the list goes on. Needless to say, when it came to my stuff, and to some extent my brother's, it was okay to lose or brake our stuff. Okay...this can easily turn into my own little rant, and since that was not my point, I'm going to end with I'm sure we all know were this is going. I'm I perfect, hell no. I'm a person that needs a loving mum from time to time. Or in my case, have always wished I had one. Do I have that. No. Since my dad died it has been worse. Life. What a crap shoot.

So, when you do say, Okay I've had enough? Just like all the other moral issues we deal with, when do you say 'okay, enough'? Society can't fix it's self, to many backgrounds, loud mouths and those with real idea's just can't be heard. Please. After all, it's easier to just blame society, not only do you get off the hook, but you're not blaming just one person, so it's a lot harder to tell the injured party, 'No, it's your choices that got you there'.  After all some people do have a point...however, most don't.

People do have bad things happen to them, and they didn't put themselves there. Many even try to fix it the situation before anything bad happens to have it fall apart anyway. And what do they hear? 'Get a job you lazy bum.' More so from people that have never been in those situations, and that doesn't just mean rich, but middle class people do this too. Sure, sometimes that is the right wording, after all there are a lot of scammers out there, but a lot of times, it's not a scam. If the person is trying, it's not a scam. The eyes tell a different story. So...what can we do if fixing society isn't the answer.

Us. Doom right? Not really. We all know right from wrong. Some pick right, some pick wrong. It's hard. Life is more then the a clear cut black and white line. Although, black hat vs white hat would help, am I right? So, sure there are times for grey. But, even in grey there is a light grey and a dark grey; however, dark gray is basically going to the, Quote -N- Quote 'Dark Side'.

Here is the funny part, if we fixed ourselves, stopped worrying so much about what our neighbor thinks or is doing, society would follow.  After all, we do make up society, but then we would also have to stop using it as a hiding patch when it's convenient. Oh, the moral dilemma.

Friday, September 19, 2014

To Forget or Not....hummm....

It's been a while since I posted. Life has been, well up and down, but who hasn't right? When I look back at all the moments I just thought would never end, or had no resolution in sight, I'm glade to be looking back at that moment to see that somehow we got through those times. I believe in God, always have and helps to believe he has a plan during these times of tribulation. To have that faith to rely on, even when the sad truth is that sometimes bad things must just come, it helps keep me slightly more sane.(Not that I don't cry, yell and scream sometimes anyway.)

Sometimes I can see things, I would call miracle happen. From small to big. A small miracle that was big to us would was the very fact of us not only getting in to our 3 bedroom apartment, but also with no issues. And there could have been! Another small one is when I finally had money to spend at Goodwill for clothes, not only did I find most of what I needed on sale, but they had some very cute things. Which doesn't always happen. I'm more of a Value Village Gal myself. So yes, even though not all of our life is one hundred percent fixed, I believe it is getting there.

Now, sadly I have no real connection with my family, expect with my brother. It has been a study downhill slide since the unexpected death of my dad. It is what it is. I could go into why most of it has nothing to do with me, but whether true or only my perception of truth, unless you lived my little life, it's hard to understand. Hell, I don't even fully understand. I can say, our little family has been going through a lot, starting with the move here to OR in general. Which I may have talked about in my first blog, not sure. We have had a lot of up's and down's, and sadly, without the help of a dear friend, I have no idea where we would be right now. I wish I could say that about family, and if my dad was still alive, I'm sure I would have.

I guess I still have issues about my feelings on this, as it is still coming out in my writing. The biggest thing I need to work on is fully letting things go. Letting the chips fall. I think of the people I once called family, wonder what they are up to, or if they think of me, but then I let it go, (for the most part). My brother, as with my whole life, is still close family, but other then those in my home now, sadly that is all I have.  I guess those, all family's are complicated to some kind of point, even if they are the only ones that see it.

Now, TV shows and a lot of movies got family right. Or I should say, what we want it to be. It's like Christmas, once you take out all the commercialization from it and just enjoy the holiday, it can be a great and magical time. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas as a remembrance of Jesus, it's still a very symbolical time for family and friends, caring for your neighbor and generally being kinder to your fellow man. Something most of us cannot keep the whole year, sadly. However, it seems during Christmas, most people do seem to be a little bit more open to the idea. At any rate, some of the family values I learned from TV and Movies...(sad huh?)...I do try and put into my day to day life.

I'm not fully sure where I'm going with this blog today. My thoughts are...random. But, then I warned you there would be days like today. I suppose on an up note, I'm writing a children's picture book, a few young adult stories and even have my first Fan-Faction story up. I'll be posting my own Fiction on a sister sight to my Fan-Faction very soon.

Well, I think I have rambled on a bit, so I think I'll close out this blog with a 'food for thought' thought. If, you could change something in your life, take it back, would you? Or, is having those things happen, even bad things, made you who you are? If you're not happy with yourself, will you change and move forward, or stay idle and hate yourself and blame the the world?