Friday, November 13, 2015

When does Suicide become Mercy?

Can suicide be merciful? Or Death? Death, without the word of killing, suicide, or murder is often seen as mercy. When someone does who has been in pain or sick we say, they are, 'in a better place', or 'at least the pain has stopped.' Yet, when someone kills themselves when they are tired of what seems to be a very long and never changing cycle, it's wrong. We don't want to admit that what they where going through before they committed Suicide was pain. Lots of pain. Pain is more then a feeling, or nerves hitting our bodies, it's a state of many factors. 

 Oddly, I'm not saying we should all jump off the life train. We miss so much when we are not here, but how can you condemn someone for jumping off, when all they know is pain? We save our pets from pain, we ask for doctors to stop keeping our friends or family alive if there is nothing else that can be done and all the pain meds do nothing, but put new pain on top of old. So what is wrong with choosing the end? Isn't death mercy?

Or is it only mercy as long as we do not choose it. God's will must be done. So, as long as it's a doctor that keeps us alive or our family keeps us alive with machines,  then we, 'pull the plug' so to speak...or rather literally, really, that's okay. Because, we didn't chose it. That's Mercy.

Why do we fear death so? Even those that love and believe in God. Why fear it? God gave us a wonderful gift and a horrible cruse. Freedom of choice. Yet, when we use it, we are wrong. Well, if you use it in any way the people who work from and with fear, say you shouldn't. Then, you are wrong.

You know, God had 10 commandments, and they were really important laws. These were not wishy-washy, or long winded or even code. They were easy. Easy to understand and really not hard to follow. The ground work for all human right and wrong. And nowhere does it say, you should not commit suicide. 

Now, yes it says, 'you shall not Murder.' Not 'Kill' but 'Murder'. Big difference. Is killing one's self Murder or Killing? There is a time for killing after all. Forgiveness, sadness, happy, we have time for all of them and there is a time for all things. Is suicide one of these things? Can there be a time for it?

Yes. If you look at all the people that do so to their pets, believe that enough suffering in a pain riddled, never to get better way, is a good time to help someone Kill, themselves or another. Again, which leads us back to, pain.

Depression is Pain. A pain that does not show physically. It can be so very real, and no, you can't just "Get Over It." As so many people like to say. The most unhelpful wording in our human tong I might add. Christens like to say, "believe in God and all things will work out. There is a plan." I'm not really disputing that God may or may not have a plan, but lets face it, Paul, Peter, John and the other important people had it easy. Jesus was right there and talked to them, it's a lot easier to believe when God tells you face to face. Heck, even Mosses had a bush. 

Some day's 'Gods plan' really helps me, other doesn't. When you start to feel no matter what you do it must be wrong because it's not working out, how can you think God's plan is working? Then someone says "It's you, you just aren’t' listening." Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I needed a code book to hear God. No, the sad truth is, sometimes the plan is.....simply, it's not your fault, the world sucks, and being that God, gave us free choice, we get to live the evil choices of the world.

What do I mean. A bad boss. We have all had them. They get to treat you like crap, not give you raises, and on top of that, more often then not, family will even say, 'hey it's better then no money'. And you, like so many others before and after get to lose even more of your self worth more and more and more, day after day, until it's painful to work. Then you realize all that money you're working for, for a boss that treats you like crap is barely paying your way. No trips, hardly any fun time because your working for a lot less then your worth. And sadly, family and friends tell you, either 'get a new job' or 'put up with it, because it's better then no money'. Is it?

If this is really all there is? Then isn't Suicide not an act of Murder, but a killing of Mercy? One that only the person involved can make. When is it Mercy.... the justifying of such a complex subject the cry of help from someone that doesn't want to admit the amount of depression they are going through? Not only for life, but for their family. Watching the same cycle happen in their life and family life no matter how hard they and their family try? .....where is God? You ask...and just when you hope it will be good, the rug is pulled....again.

When can you say, "No more. I'm done." death feared not because of what may or may not be there, but because we aren't suppose to choose it? Can we check out early? Not if you believe God has his hand on all things. Then, your suicide was your predetermined death. Your time to go. That's what people tell people when they lose some one unexpectedly. "It's their time."

What does that mean? 'Their Time.' I can think of a 100 ways I wouldn't want to die, and yet, people have, and you'd call it, 'their time'? Interesting. We are a people of contradictions. Yet....we won't admit it. And with that statement, I'm proving my point.

God is real. That is a comfort, but not always in a, 'I'm feeling great and the song birds sing all around me' kind of way. No. Sometimes is a grounding anger of. "Why won't you fix this?!" and the, "I need you to fix this as I don't know what to do ANYMORE." Feeling. Yet, we aren't suppose to get mad at God? Why?

I didn't choose Earth to live on. No one did. The sin of the World was put on the shoulders of two innocent people. I'm not saying dumb people. I for one wouldn't be surprised to find that Adam and Eve could not only work a computer, but teach us a thing or two. No. They were innocent. Carefree. They didn't know what evil was, or lying, or even deception. Yet....if instead of listening to a new comer and would have trusted the rule God set out...this paper would probably not even be needed. No reason to go through hard times.

But, they did, so here we are. Not only did they eat, they lied, hid and where shamed by what they did. So now, so is the world. We are to be shamed when we, who may not be doing anything wrong, just having a world of....'What am I doing wrong and is it me' questions laid at our feet.

After a while, no matter what you start to wonder. Is it me? Sometimes the answer is a resounding 'YES', Stop making bad choices!! But that’s so easy. When it really is you; however, what if it's not. What if it's all the people that choose sin first. 'Bad', 'Me First' crap. You get to go along for the ride, whether you choose it or not.

And your life is Pain. Depression, so many ups and downs you lose count. Not from lack of trying....but from the sin of humans around you. Not even family want to think it's not you...after a while. You see, if they have not gone through it for years...or even months where it really shook them to never forget, well it can be hard for them to remember, 'We don't control every aspect of our lives'. No matter how much we may want to. God is also a force, as is the world.
I'm not sure if there is just more evil humans then good, or if this ramped disregard across the board is from the lack of ethics being taught now then 100 years ago. It was not perfect, it never is, but people did try to be good as there word. No matter who they talked to. Greed has always kept the worker down, but an honest man got an honest day's work. And back then, it was noticed, even expected. If only we could put today's laws in with good ethics of yesteryear.

Family stuck together. I'm not saying all family suck or are heartless. No. Just it was the norm for them to help out, listen, and work with you. And you in turn helped them. Now, it's a hit and miss. More often then not. During WWII, people didn't have Wic, or DSHS to get help. They had people. People that would take all day to bake bread for other people to get nothing back but, a simple, 'Thank-you'. Or that gathered clothes, toys, and other needs for people. This was DSHS of it's time. People helping people. Sadly we not only say, 'go over there for help, you're bothering me' but we also say, 'man all anyone wants that is on DSHS is a free ride from my pocket.' The only ones that are like that are the ones that refuse to get any job and think they deserve a pay check because someone or something did something to them, or their family from either their childhood or at the beginning of time. Therefor, it's everyone's problem. No it isn't.

Evil doesn’t have to be a nice killer or rapist. That kind of evil is easy to spot. It stands out and say's, 'here I am'. No, the worst ones are the ones that go to church, and then treat their workers like crap. Or the boss that sees the problems, hears the complains yet lets the person keep on, keep on. It's even all the people that say, 'well, that's just the way it is.''s not. Not if you don't let it. Remember the revolution, all of them? People stood up, black, white, women, man, etc. And said, 'enough'. So no, it isn't just the way it has to be.

To see Evil and do nothing, is in itself an act of Evil. And we use a lot of ways to justify doing nothing! Christians don't say mean things. Really? Okay....then why are so many talking behind peoples backs.  Godly people can't wait to talk about their enemies. One show of this is in the hot topic issue of today. Gays. I don't believe being Gay is something you are born with or is normal. It's a choice. And most often a part of some trauma as a kid or adult and that the new push is to teach young kids it's okay and normal to be gay. And then society wonders why we have identity issues.

(Edit! I said that the verse about sin was in Luke, it's not. It's 1 John 5:17 NLT is what I'm reading from. I'd rather fix )

However, do I think all gay's are Hell bound. No. That is one Sin in many. Sin, is Sin. John said it best. 'All wicked actions are sin, but not every sin leads to death'. (However you should still read John, that way you can get the whole story and form your own thoughts.  Look at more then one line, in one part of a book. I put one piece out there and my thoughts on it. Now go get your own thoughts.)

I believe Luke had a point and a very important one. A simple line with a lot of meaning and no guide to know what is death and what is not. But, that doesn't mean you have free rain, there is no 'Sin Guide'. We must still try to do our best. After all, the bible doesn't contradict it's self, unless you keep only reading parts of it. I'm not saying you need to know all of it right now, but read the story all around the lines that have been pointed out. Get a broader picture. Don't look to prove your point, look to disapprove it, if that is all you can do to open your mind. My opinion.

I think Sin is a very personal thing. Is there some Sin that I think is kinda a Hell worthy Ticket...Yes. And IF I did them....I'd expect that ticket. However, God himself is Mercy. As Christens we are suppose to let someone know that God sees their action as sin, then let it go. Well, not so much let it go, I think it depends on your calling and whether or not God is using you to help. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes is just guidance. He calls to our hearts, if we listen. But, some subjects as a broadness that shouldn't just have one quick overall Hell answer and Gay is one of them. Why can't we try that same mercy? We can't always, but we can try.

So....when is it okay to commit suicide? the fear that God's plan is not for you to die at your own hand, but death must always be out of your control greater then anything we believe. After all, even most atheists think suicide is not the way. Funny, coming from a group of people that already believe we are but, accidents. So why should it matter?

Maybe the questions is....when does death become mercy? death a problem when done by your own hands, but better if death comes from a stranger, doctor, or even an accident. Is that somehow better and more acceptable? Is murder by another better then suicide. Is suicide so bad, so evil and self serving that you'd rather them be murdered, then them choosing to die? Why is ending the pain that the sin of the world is never okay? Unless it is not by your own hand.

'Nothing ever stays the same'. 'Have Faith'. Sunday school answers. Those words are not always helpful. They come quickly to the tong. Don't be quick to speak them, speak what is truly needed by listening, not talking at them. But too. Or, say nothing and hold and pray with them and maybe then, those words will have so much more meaning.

Sometimes we need God's word the most is when we truly feel we are out of calling distance. Sometimes it's not a lack of faith that leads to death, but a tiredness of waiting for change. The endless fighting. How much fight can one have when you keep fighting the same battle...over and over. It's not that you don't want to ask Jesus or God to fill you and give you strength, you just get tired of asking.

That is true depression...true tiredness....true reason for asking for Mercy. Death. Not a longing to die...only a longing for change. For the same cycle to end. The fight to be over. One can get so tired, of the endless battle of sin. Not of people, of of the world. Not even of the devil...he is such a small player in a much bigger pie. He has lost, he is only going to take any down with him he can. No the sad reality is humans choose evil acts and deeds all on their own. We just don't like to admit it. Then, the devil only adds to it and helps us justify the act until we no longer need him to help. But, we still choose to listen. With the death of Jesus, we are no longer a slave to sin, but choose it. I believe it was either Paul or John that spoke of that.

Bad bosses, people that think they can be mean just because, they think they can be mean, the all about me's, they all choose it. Just like those that think of others, try to be good even in the mist of trial after trial. My opinion is that suicide is not as simple as to make the grand claim that it is always all about the that one selfish person. Not always. It's deeper. Like a cutter who cuts. They don’t cut to get away from pain, the cut to feel the pain they can't express or fix and it makes them feel better.

Suicide is sometimes that. A cut. A deep cut. That can be fixed when no other cuts will do. But, is it Mercy?

Or, is it the deluded thought of depression and desperation that leads to those thoughts? So many questions....So many concerns. answers.

What is God's mercy? Is death His only Mercy? Or....can there ever be something more then just light at an end of a very long tunnel? Or, is life also Mercy? Can it be that living can be the answer? Not because people tell us Death is bad, but because you never know what you may have missed. That is, if one believes that death can be intercepted and God's plan can be set different do to choice. God can and has saved us, I think our mental state has a lot to do with that; however, if you truly want death, he'll let you choose it. Just like Sin. Yet, can mercy, God's mercy be death? A debate of the ages. One that this paper will not end, or finish. But, somehow feels better putting down.

Now, I think I'll finish and relax with a cup of hot coco. Relax and remember what is good in life. For that is what we need sometimes as humans. Find our good place for we are surrounded by the worlds bad place.