Trust is a hard thing to earn on one hand, yet we give it all to easily on another. Should we though? I can count on one hand how many people I 'trust'. What's sad is when you have one of those few numbers betray you. Your friend whom you thought you could trust with your life, believes someone they just met over you. Lets see, what is the common sense thing here? Don't you think your 'friend' should have had a little more trust in you? (Then again...common sense is also a vanishing commodity. More on that in a different post.)
Once you lose trust, can you really get it back? Depends on what it is. Honestly. But, if the sin is big enough, can you really get it back. No. Not really. The question is before me now. It's sad how many people I've found I cannot trust....even family. But tonight, it is a friend, a friend I've had since Junior high. Someone I considered my best-friend. Someone I would have trusted with my daughter. Someone I found out, I can no longer trust.
My word meant nothing, but someone she met for a week, well, that person she gave no more thought to? Really? How many of us are hurt like this? What's funny, is the person that broke the trust always stammer up a sorry, or a lame excuse as to why they did it. What then. Just, okay I forgive you. No.
When do you throw a friendship away? Can you have one without trust, sure, people do it all the time. These are the people that one only has over when your at home, you'd never ask them to watch your kids or house sit for you. Nor would you ever 'loan' them money, unless of course your not expecting it back...ever. (Side note, I really think you should never 'loan' money, just give it when you can, money is not worth relationships. If you can't handle that, don't 'loan' it. But that's another rant.)
No, some level of trust is needed. So is respect. If you can't trust your friend, then how can you respect them? And, if they don't trust they respect you? You also end up asking it worth it? Betrayal is a hard thing. I myself must ask myself that very it worth it? I don't know...
Can I trust that person now? I know my daughters well-being, if something should happen to me or her father, will be changed. Not out of meanness or hate or even looking for justice. But, the person I trust my daughter to, if need be, has to be someone I trust fully to raise her with as much good and loving as one can. Sadly, that trust is gone.
Forgiveness will come, it has to. For the wounded party, if you don't forgive you are only hurting yourself. If your friend, family or whomever hurt you, not forgiving will only hurt you. After all, if they do nothing to prove they are truly sorry, they can't give much true concern to your feelings. So....forgiveness is a must, so you will not be burdened. But....Trust is something else.
As I said, trust is a vanishing commodity. We as a people do not trust, well, unless you don't know the person. Or you have 5 stars. Then we trust. A little backward if you ask me, but then again, the world is a little backward right now as well.
I guess well see what happens next.
Save Trust...stop lying, and don't call yourself a friend unless you can give trust and be trusted. And if trust is only one way, stop letting the other person think something else. That way both parties can make a much better informed decision.
My Two Cents...
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