Sunday, June 28, 2015

America & the Flag...

Old Glory...Red, White, & Blue....the American Flag...

When we see these names, any true American feels a sense of pride.  It stands for freedom, it stands for the right to believe in God. It stands for not wanting undo Taxation. Not that we wouldn't pay taxes, but that they wouldn't be unfair &extremely high. (I think that got lost.)

People, a huge number of people died to give us freedom, and to keep freedom. America has welcomed all people on to her shores, even enemies. We, America, for all the bad we see on TV, in reality, we have made a peace that no other country could do. We live next to people of all ethnic groups, faiths, and thoughts and as America's we see very little fights in most of our back-doors. The only seeds that do bad, are Evil seeds and Media that must report things that will only insight and spreed those seeds.

It's so easy for Evil to spread, to make America seem like it is not a melting pot, but a boiling chaotic pot of people; because we don't talk with our neighbors anymore. We may wave and say hello, but we don't talk with them. And I'm not just talking about the Ethnic group that you either share or identify with the most, but the Ethnic group you don't share or identify with. How could we have so many, or at least be lead to believe, that so many ethnic groups are at war, if we talked to each other?

Hate breeds hate, Love breeds love. Freedom comes at a price, high price. When I look around at the law that passed for Gay marriage a part of me says, Okay, legally they have that right. After all men & women fought, fight and die so we all can have that freedom. Here is the twist, it's not the legal part I and most of the people that disagree with the new law have, it's the simple fact that Two things just happened. Let me brake this down in a very simple way.

One: Marriage, defined by God and under God is a man & a women. Period. That was the Issue of Marriage, not the Union of Laws, but the defined word of Marriage. If, a compromise of not calling a Gay Marriage, Marriage, but a Union on the law with the same rights, then as for the legal part, most would have been fine. But, as normal, this didn't happen. No, no, we can't have Compromise.

Two: You are making all those that don't agree with being Gay and saying they have to. Hummm...lets look at normal Nature. How many creatures are attracted to the same sex? None that I can think of. The only things out there that don't need a male or female is A-sexual, and since they don't need a partner as far as I have ever read or known, they don't look for one either. So, just looking at it that way, those that don't agree, and express it in a peaceful manner, should be able to have that right.

Freedom of speech, is well, we take a lot of liberties with it. Regardless, all in all it should really be called Freedom of opinions and voicing those opinions respectfully and without retaliation and shouldn't be retaliated on.

Once the opinions have been spoken, and  lets be honest, sometimes depending on the opinion there isn't a clear right or wrong answer, both parties could be right to a point,  we need to come up with a solution or compromise.

Compromise, now that's something you don't see much anymore. Not true compromise that is meant to see eye to eye and yet do no harm or evil. You see, Churches, and those that believe Gay is wrong, should be able to follow those believes without people saying they are wrong, just like those that believe differently want to do.

This is brings us back to our freedom of rights and sadly, taking the power out of the states hands, in someways is good if you look only at the legal side of what marriage is, but in the end really opens up a much more damaging things. The flag stands for Freedom, what freedom is there when you take out choice? You take out the voice of the people when this is not a cut and dry issue of evil or wrong. The true issue wasn't the legal issue of Marriage but the name and relation the word marriage holds.

We can't be mad for the idea that a Gay couple wishes to marry, the very fact that we are teaching children that Gay is okay and you should be Gay, is creating those that most likely never would have been Gay to be so now. I've heard Gay people say they hope the children they raise are gay when they grow up. You can disagree, but basic phycology can tell you if you tell something to someone long enough, well it's going to stick.  So, the mere fact that the law passed isn't the problem, it's what it will be used to take the rights away from others.

You see, people don't want equal, they don't want justice, they want what's good for them. Now, I know it may sound that's what I'm saying. No. I'm not saying lets not have these things. Freedom is a double age sword, just like choice. God gave us the choice for good and bad. Freedom comes with bad freedoms. We have laws to, hopefully, protect us from those that believe doing harm is a choice and freedom they should have. Is murder as bad as Gay marriage? 98% of people on both sides of the issue would most likely say, no, Gay marriage is not as bad as Murder, rape, or child pornography.  So, we all mostly agree and a law is put in place. A good law.

But, this isn't about that, no. This is about opinion. Just like the Flag deal. The Confederate Flag is also a hot button issue. Why? Because someone said it was. Not because it really is. The Confederate flag did not stand for Slavery. Sorry folks, that's just an issue the North brought up to win, and it worked. The north had slaves too. What so many people that are crying out and saying it's heritage, is forgetting to say is the South wanted to be it's own nation because they didn't like what the North was doing politically. Now, the North was not innocent in all this and still isn't. The North has more racial problems today then the South, but who wants to admit that? I'm not saying that the Civil War had a bad outcome per-say, but it wasn't about Civil Rights. No matter how you want to color history.

So once again what this whole thing is about is Opinion. Is the Confederate Flag something that really needs a law? No. If you want to look at something and see hate, you will. ISIS sees our Flag as hate, they burn it, use it in horrible things, yet we are mad because of the Confederate Flag, which has nothing to do with America as a whole, and is being misrepresented? This is what we are going to get hot about, not the American flag or the Billions of people being killed by ISIS.

Mostly Christians & Jews, by the way. No, we have to bicker about issues that could all be dealt with if we could have a little respect and if BOTH sides would say, "Yes, we have both done wrong and we both have people that are bad." The Gay rights would be something we could tolerate, (not the Sin, but the choice. As a Christian I do not believe that choosing to be Gay is a right thing, however, it is not my place to place judgment only tell you what I feel and respect your choice. I only ask you do the same); however, if they would stop saying it's natural & right. I'm sorry it's not.  But, as I said, my job isn't to correct Sin, only let you know  that it is sin and then leave it up to God. One also should not turn from you or reject you, but show you what kidness is. That is the true calling of a true Christian, and should be the calling of each American out there, regardless of what your opinion is.

America, a busting pot of difference that brought us such wonderful things when we work together. A Country that was suppose to be 'under God'. America which is suppose to be beautiful.  Yet, if the very people dieing for us can't believe what they want, in God, in whatever form, as long as they mean no harm to others, then what kind of Freedom do we really have? What kind of America do we really have?

I can't even remember the last time I heard 'God bless the U.S.A' on the radio. Yet, I heard it today in Church! Church is where I hear the most patriotic songs. So, tell me, how is it that those that believe in God, are the ones against America, if that's where you see the most pride? Church is not perfect...only God is. Humans run Churches and they are not perfect. Then you have those that are very bad people calling themselves Christians, who aren't, just like Bad people can be Gay, Black, White or any other color, creed, etc.

America should be above it. Laws should only be put in place when it truly benefits America. Not when, under the guise of something else, we give away more of our freedoms. Obama no more really believes in Gays being normal then he did when he renounced it. If Obama really believed in freedom and equal rights, then hate crimes wouldn't be just when it's white on black, or guy, but when it involves any group. If he or any politician really wanted what was best for AMERICA they would stop spreading hate through media. A long time ago, we would have said if you can't look at the whole truth, then don't bring it before the Court. After all it's it "The whole truth & Nothing but the Truth under GOD?" Yet, we keep saying God has no place. If courts where truly just, they wouldn't let women hurt men for not other reason then they can, and men wouldn't be allowed to sit in jail and create gangs.

No, the idea of America, what it's suppose to be, what it started out to be, makes me tear up. But so does, what it is becoming when we do nothing to fix the in-fighting & pettiness. When we don't give freedom to the very people dieing so we can have it, and when we are so consumed on things that shouldn't be but a footnote, while we let real evil go free.

The only Flag America should care about is the American one. The only fight we should really have is with ISIS. America may not be perfect, but if people would communicate, and stop saying like, 'lets look after our own' I hear that from blacks a lot. Then how can we ever come together as a country. But then...Whites, I'm sorry to say are the only ones as a whole, when asked if they are American say yes. There is no African, Mexican, Asian, etc. attached to American. Just American.  If you are part of this country, love this country, respect this country, then you are AMERICAN, not matter what Ethic background you have.

Now, why can't we just except that? Wouldn't that be at least a start? Freedom....

.....Does it still exist? Does America? Or are we just a bunch of people with grudges and pity differences with no compromises? Are we a people that allow the evil to make a mockery of all the good people from each ethnic group? Many God dead? I America dead?

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