Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Race is all That....

We want Equal rights!

Ummm....really? Are we sure? Because last I checked, it had nothing to do with equal, and more to do with... "I want it because, I'm Mad". We are a bunch of toddlers, toddlers that scream and pout when we don't get something to go our way. We set up a game to be fair only to change the rules when we aren't winning.

Take the Confederate flag ordeal that is going on right now. I'm sorry to inform all of the people that are buying into the North's vision of truth. (I can say that, being from the North) Here is the hard facts, for the under educated or non-willing to learn people, the Civil War was NOT about Slavery. Black men and women fight with the whites. They even had Black generals. The North Had slaves. NOT all people in the South owned slaves. And many WHITES helped the slaves and many more where very kind to Blacks. Shocker I know. Even today more and more blacks and whites get along, not that you hear about it. Were there bad seeds, yes, and when caught they were punished rather severely, but lets not talk about that, right. After all, we don't want to spread the word that maybe things weren't as bad all over.

The freedom of slaves was a last desperate push to win, because the NORTH was LOSING. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT for slavery, although I'm sure many of you would stereotype it that way, since I'm being blunt. After all, I'd have to be if I disagree, that is the go to thing when someone disagrees or, I don't know, educates themselves.

The other parts of Civil Rights Act would have happened anyway. Maybe with less hate if it had been on more gradual truthful terms. What's really funny, is we hear how so many of these men that stood up and asked for equal rights, said lets work Together, yet somehow that is getting lost. But then again, if all of us poor folks where together, black and white and all other Ethic groups, we would remember we out number the rich and politics. Hell, can't have that. Slavery is not new, the U.S. was Not the first. Hell, blacks where in slaved in Africa...oh and not by whites, but by the other black tribes that conquered them. No Ethic group out there is a Saint. Nope, not even the Indians. We like to color them as just minding there own beeswax, but that too was not the reality of all Indians.

Are all whites blameless, no. But, when it comes to the unfairness of things, whites aren't continuously crying out either. And believe me, it's UNFAIR on our side too. If you are not white, there is help for you, whether you want to believe it or not, that is fact!

So, people want the flag taken down. What next? What else do we have to throw away? So, you didn't like the "N" word, okay, then why are you using it? Whats next, you can use the flag but Southerns can't? We have to endure Black history month, but we can't celebrate the good parts of our history? Blacks get to, and even get to color over your own history as well.

So how is it, that you'd call me racist for not agreeing that being the color of pale peach by the way, and wanting to remember history not only the bad but the good, is racist. But when Blacks, or really beautifully light brown to dark brown, is not? Why is it okay to have school groups for every group of kids under the sun, unless your White?? Why are we white and not something else. I have a mix in me and I'm proud of.

My family even came from Germany during WW2, as Jews. Yet, yet, I'm just white. And that's okay? Why? Why is it okay for blacks to go on and on, instead of saying Enough? People are going to use things for hate. The symbol Hitler used was one of Friendship before he created into something bad. Gangs use colors like Red and Black and then suddenly they are bad! The trench-coat, which is a wonderful thing, was used in a bad context, and suddenly it's BANDED. Come on people!

You keep saying you want Equal rights, but your NOT equal. Women do this to men, they don't want equal, they want better. Toddlers on a playing field. No one stepping up and saying, maybe this is to far. We glorify Murders, there names will be remembered, yet we forget the victims. Taking down a flag will only make some small people feel good, until the next thing. Then the next thing. Until, America is something else. But, it will not be equal. You can't have Equality, and take everything away because you don't want to learn past the popular tripe of one side of a story.

The world is not perfect, but hate breeds hate. If people cannot let go of the past, and stop putting false meanings to things, we can never heal. People will always see want they want to see, whether it's truth or not. If you really want equality your going to have to get rid of all flags that have nothing to do with the Country. Are blacks willing to do that? African pride should go, if we are making this into a black\white thing. After all, that is the equal thing to do if you want whites to get rid of symbols you don't like. I don't like those, why? Because I see racist blacks that refuse to call it that.

Do I agree with the shooting? Hell no! I hope that guy gets the death sentence. But, did we hear about the 10 shootings the other day. No. Why, because it was either black on black or white on white. No color was given, so that's what it means. Even though a One year old got shot, a 11 and 12 year old, 3 women and 4 guys all got shot that day at a picnic I believe. Do we hear about that, nope, just a quick little article. Do we hear about the Black guy that saved a white women or the White guy that helped out a black family?

No. Why? Because then we might really find out what the majority of people are realizing, it's not so black & white, and then it would be harder to keep the hate alive. But, we'd rather pout, cry and demand the game be set in our rules, so we can win. Only thing is, no one wants to play after awhile. And soon, you're all alone.

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