Thursday, June 11, 2015

God is Not Dead...

What a title, so firm, so to the point. Yet, it invokes such feelings in people. Quick, powerful and almost never indifferent. Oddly this happens no matter what side of the fence you're on. I just got done watching the movie, 'God is Not Dead'. A good movie, I recommend it. I found it on Netflix.

So what side am I on. God's. So, how many readers dropped of when I said what side I'm on? How many people do that? If God really didn't exist, why would you care what I believe? For, do you get mad when someone says, I believe that Goldilocks and the Three bears really existed? No. You look at them a moment, say okay and don't worry about it. Yet, if one talks about God, on either side, a powerful emotion stirs. Why?

Because, deep down, we all feel God, all the time. We all never really know a moment when he is not talking to us. It started the moment He give us the smallest of thoughts to be created in the parents we have today. Good or bad. Sadly, do to choice, we can drown out or even...deny that voice. Denying it helps when your life wasn't, or isn't' perfect. That way we can justify being rude, mean, evil and ect. instead of choosing to grow and learn and not follow that dark path or choose to help others that went through bad things too.

As the movie points out, (not a spoiler just a firm fact if you have any faith) God wants us to Choose Him. Choose. Choice. The real reason the snake was ever even allowed in Eden. Do you really think He didn't know? How about this? What if, the reaction Adam and Eve had, had more to do with the harsh punishment? What if, they had asked for forgiveness and been honest instead of hiding. After all, there are a lot of examples of God's great kindness and forgiveness even before Jesus. Mankind was not perfect, not even with Adam and Eve, after all they didn't know Evil, how could they? God knew they where innocent. Smart, but innocent. How could he condemn them, if he knew that in the end they didn't know any better? God has never been, do as I say just because I say it. He wants us to seek him. Learn. Then choose. You can't do that if you just do what your told and never learn.

So, no, God couldn't just condemn Adam and Eve. After all, He gave them choice. And their choice of hiding and not coming to Him and Eating the apple was a lot in one day.  So, He choice a just way to deal with it. Being Human, we can't always see the whole picture. Why? Well, our view is very limited. Now, God gave Adam & Even and Human Kind a great gift & a great curse. Choice.

Adam and Eve had to have that, for how can one have it, if there is no choice to be had? How would we, the decedent of Adam and Eve, Noah, and a few others know Good and Evil if there is no choice, no evil, bad or unpleasant thing in our lives? We can't. On the flip side, if Adam & Eve had chosen to either not eat the apple, or come clean right away, maybe things would be very different. That's a question to ask when you die....if you have faith you'll see him.

Here's another thing to remember, Jesus couldn't save us, if the Jew Priests hadn't called for his death. A plan to the grand design, that is this thing we call Earth. Believing in God is not always the easy path. Sometimes we look at groups like ISIS and think, but they claim to be of God's word? How are they wrong? Did you read the bible? Read it. Get past the first part, don't just pick and choose the parts He talks about Infidel's. How often does He really have us kill the armies of darkness? If you really notice, not that often. Why would He need us to? Do you notice how often He allows evil to win until people ask for forgives or even just cry out for real help?

That brings up another point, sadly we are so quick to ask for God's help when we need it. How about just telling him about your day. Not just putting time aside for him (which is well and good), but when you're doing the dishes, say "hey God, I'm doing the dishes and I hate it." Or "I love doing dishes. God, do you do dishes?" Why do you think He wouldn't want to hear anything you have to say to him? After all if you where so important that He sent His only Son to earth to Die for you, knowing you may still reject Him, don't you think any thought, concern, smile or muse you have is important too? I don't know how often I just think things out with Him. Have arguments, or musings. That is the true power of faith. It's not the building you go to, or set of rules you may follow. It's about Faith. If you don't have faith, no religion will make that happen. Or building. Faith, comes first. Faith is your ticket to heaven. Good deeds are the rewards.

You know, oddly, faith is that quite thing that makes non-believers so mad. For, if they had no faith, they couldn't get mad. Faith is also, a very unique thing. Never be so quick to have an issue with what you think is a non-believer. Sometimes that's the biggest slip up of them all. Remember, the only person that can bar a man from Heaven is Jesus and God. You see, Jesus will shield your sin from God, so that once you pass, God sees only the side of you that you gave to God. But, if Jesus doesn't stand before Him to shield you, be on your side, then God casts you away. Not even Jesus casts you into fire, it is still God. And God, will judge you as harshly as you judged others.

Remember, God gave us choice, so choice is good. The act of Choice too not welcome and join Him is Good. I'm not saying the outcome of that choice is good, after all, you are choosing either light or dark for...well ever. EVER. What I am saying is Choice is good. If you can remember that, then the next time you hear or even have a talk with someone about there belief, smile, and say that is your Choice. Give them an option to talk with you when they ready. Then just tell them why you choose the way you do. Don't lay it thick, just simple truth. You may be surprised to find more people will listen, after all, we all just want our God given right to Choose. Even if we don't know why.

So....God is Not Dead. How many made it to this line? How many believe God is dead based on a bit of bad in the world? After all, it's never been this bad right? Or has it. Many times. Choice. The greatest gift and curse given to man. Adam and Eve helped give us the right to experience more then even they got to. We get to really Love, feel, even know what true joy is, because we know what true sadness is. A Gift.

Also a Curse. For, if we dwell in that sin, we die in it forever. Sad. Powerful. When God, allowed the Holy Spirit out, meaning you didn't have to go to a Jewish Temple to feel or hear God, it was a gift. Now, we could know of him the moment of birth. But even before than we still had a knowing of him. Good verse Evil. Right and Wrong. We know killing was bad, even before the 10 commandments. He even put that thought into the hearts of those that didn't even have a chance to know him. our simple minds didn't know him. Remember we never know who really knows and doesn't know Him. Although, I do keep some of my own judgments, for I look at it this way, If I can say, 'if I do that send me to hell' and mean it, then I'll own the judgment. I have a few.

...Simple faith. For a simple statement. Yet, we make it so complicated. We try and box it in. Get mad when someone disagrees with us. Yet, why should we all agree. After all, if we did, then this wouldn't be a debate. No one would need to have choice. We wouldn't even need all our special nick-knacks. After all, the choice of what we listen to, watch, read, collect is what makes God loves us. So, when you see someone dance, or listen to Heavy metal, Country, hip-hop, etc. or even has skulls, tight jeans or tattoos. Before you think you know God would disagree, remember, he created that thought in someones head. We may not always need to do everything, sagging pants to the knees is one, but, not all people doing it evil. Just young. The only thing God disagrees with is what He says He does. I don't think He talks much on fashion and I know He likes dancing because He condemns a women when she scorns her husband for dancing. I can see why she felt that way, and I feel for her, but it was her choice to turn her anger on the wrong person.

Not keeping Him in your hearts. Not loving your fellow man. Not respecting. Those things that make God Mad. God never said we had to all be the same. I'm rather sure He has shown us more then once He doesn't want that. He just wants us to put Him first. In doing that, you're family is always first too, because that is what is important to you, so important to Him. He'll even help you find that game, music, or collection you want. Why? Because He loves to see you smile.

And, if you want to choose not to be with Him, He will respect you enough to give you that wish, but only after He cries and tries harder then any human can to get you to change your mind. Even if it's within the very last moments of your life. A true heart, is the only heart that God sees.

So, whether or not you agree, is fine. I'm not sending you to hell, if you state, I reject God. Maybe God has other plans and your a believer and just don't know it. Or, maybe, you will be, but I can't see that at this moment. And sending you to Hell, is well, very wrong and I'd have to answer to that. Believe what you want. Just...think. If you choose to deny God, then you better stop getting so mad that others don't. After all, if your getting mad, then you must believe. And the real crime, may not be, your choice, but the very fact you denied Him.

Remember, it may not have been the act of choice that got Adam and Eve to condemn Humanity, but the choice they made afterword. We never really know. And sadly, that question didn't get asked, as far as I know, when Jesus was here, but then again, they weren't so lucky to have the bible handy like we are. God is giving us so much....yet we don't see it. Or...condemn very quickly. So...who really is the unfair ones? God? or us?

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