Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Pen is Mighter then the Sword.....

This is a statement we see often through history. One that would seem to back it's own claim. News can report true injustice and incite the world to cry out for justice. More often then not, justice is then found when it would not have been before. We the people have a choice, a voice. Yet, so often we do not use it. I am seeing more and more news information about Anonymous. They use words first, the sword only when need be. I understand and agree with the mask they have chosen, and they fight for a good cause all around the world. A cause that all good people should believe in. Most are hackers, not nothing hackers, but great ones. They will be able to protest, and rally the people, even be there and no one will know. We need that as people, champions, knights, symbols. Change starts with the few, the people follow, and normally for good, change will happen. WWII was not that long ago, yet we have forgotten. Why? How do you forget how many died and why it happened? Why do we say, "this won't happen here?" Do you think those people thought it would happen? No. I started out small, propaganda, lies, etc, all very slow....very slow. Sound familiar?

Power is corruptible. If no one was out only for themselves, governments wouldn't be corruptible. "People shouldn't fear their government, the government should fear it's people." (V for Vendetta) How often has the power pushed the nothing people only to be taken down? But why must it come to things like this? Why do we let corruptible people even get this far? Our military is suppose to protect the country first, from all enemies in our boarders or off, so why do they not do so? Why am I going to be seen as bad, crazy or have even harder times, even if only one person sees this post, because I wrote it? Isn't there somting wrong when you're wrong for thinking or wanting Good and Justice in ones lives?

This is a scary thing to write, my family is going through so much it's not funny, I'm weary of fighting our own battles, I can't imagine taking on something so big, yet we are forced to. Knowledge is a powerful thing, once you learn something, you can not unlearn it, no matter how much you wish you. Anonymous, is a legion, they grow everyday, but not all that support them are Anonymous to the world. There are many who say out right who they are, I fear they will disappear quickly, we will quickly become the blood underneath this cause. It's selfish, I know, to want to be able to get a job, have the means to live in a good home, treat people good, and not be under a microscope from the very government that was suppose to work for it's people, not use it's people as slaves and pawns to be batted at.

Are their worse places to live? I'm sure, but we have rapes, forced labor, encampments, boss that can treat employees like dirt, sports that is put over education and decency, and we live in a world that will put war before peace. This is the world the people want? Evil. Whether you believe in God, or not, why would anyone want to live in Evil? Once Evil has destroyed everything, what more is there? Why do they think the Devil will share his pit? What evil has ever shared it's thrown? Even those that are Too Big to Fail, your telling me they won't crave more power, turn on themselves? History has proved differently, it is only a matter of time.

I do believe in God, which sadly, by today's standards is a bad thing to say. I fear for my family, yet why should I? Why does the government fear words? Why does Evil fear words?

They have power. Real power. Not the illusion of it. People rally to words, then words become real. I do not want to be a faceless person that disappears in the night, or a number that has an "Accident". I don't want this to happen to my family. Protection, that is what I wish for those that stand with people like Anonymous but can not be or will not be hidden themselves. I know nothing can guarantee it, people will fall to any cause. What is sad, is when they fall and no one knew.

So many bad things are wrong with the world. Rape should never be okay, right up to the highest power. Murder should not be okay. (I'm not talking about defending yourself from someone trying to kill you, but true Murder.) Greed, Sloth, Envy, are these not only a few things we see going on around us? Things that create evil? This is not new news, or a new concept. Yet we are acting like it is.

I don't know if this will be seen, after all, I stay more in the shadows, after all, Most would call me crazy, label me because I'm saying I'm unhappy that our once great nation is allowing so much corruption. While those right next them, like those next to Hitler, who could have stopped him at any moment, are allowing it to happen. Who then is the true evil? The one starting it, or the ones allowing it to happen?

Is liberty gone? If I never make another post, you'll know the answer, if I do, perhaps there is still hope. I do not want chaos, I do not want a no government society, I do not want a lawless society, what I want is freedom, justice, the pursuit of happiness and the ability to successes if you Try. A place where we do not fear our government or think them incompetent, but respect them, trust them.

Why is this to much to ask? Why I'm I wrong to wish for that, ask for that? And why, if your not already doing so...are you not asking that same question? Why allow Evil to win? Evil has one goal, destroy. Not just one thing, it will never be enough, but all things. Will this ever be a perfect world? No. But it can and has been a hell of a lot better world. I fear the war coming, but I and so many others will have  no choice to fight within it.

When you take everything, you have nothing to lose, and those are the people that fight the hardest. Those are one's to fear the most. The people. They are not pawns, they are not nothing, they feel, they react, and fight fiercer then any army who can not even believe themselves any longer. Continue to take, and just like so many governments throughout time has seen, they will fall. Evil only takes, Good pushes back and grows.

I do not know what is going to happen, but I know something is coming. How bad it will be, will be determined by those that could have done something to stop evil, and did not. For once they fail, the people will act, and that is never quiet, bloodless, or without a fight. It always starts out small.....All things do, but they do not stop, and they will not be ignored.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Morals...what are they?

One of my favorite YouTuber's is icklenellierose. I find her insightful and funny. She had done a piece on this Sam Pepper guy who was, well 'pranking' women by pinching them, hand cuffing them to him, and so on. When YouTube took off the video, he did a 'pranking' men in the same way, then when called out he choose to call the two video's a 'social experiment'. Most people give that story very little credit.

 You can find iclenellierose's video here if you want to check her or that story out: (

So, why I am I bringing this up, I think it's a good time to ask about morals. Okay, so says that moral is, 'basically pertaining to or concern with the principle rule of right or wrong or our ethical expression'. Oh that old bugaboo, good vs evil. Whether you are religious or not, this conflict is in everyday life. As humans we know what is right, wrong, good, evil or just plain grey. We may find many ways to justify our motives, but that doesn't make them any less wrong or right.

Movies that normally do well, and are not horror films which could go either way, are where Good, for the most part, wins. As most people state: "If I wanted to see evil win I would have stayed home or gone out my front door." So this battle is not unknown. Yet, we see the lines being blurred more and more and then ask...."Why is society going down hill?" I don't think I need to point out the ironic part here. I hope.

So why are we allowing this to happen, well one reason would be that dumb idea we, as a society, have all gone overboard with, here in the states anyway, 'Politically Correctness'. Who comes up with this? I'm not saying that somethings do not need to be address; however, when you're scared to discipline, I said discipline not beat the crap out of (there is a HUGH difference), your kid and let them scream so people don't think whatever it is that stayed your hand is, well wrong. All we teach them is, if you scream and through fits you'll get your way. Or, how about saying, I'm not attracted to that type of women or man, and being called racist? How is that racist? You said, you're not attracted to them, not they are the scum of the earth, for no reason. Big difference. When did it become a crime to have a preference?

But, these are not the only parts of this moral dilemma we find ourselves in. Family is another. What is family? Those that you were born to? Those that your parents married? Or those you picked? Or, could it be all three? Sometimes. The real trick is, how long do you go before you say, I've had enough. Of course, when you do, it's all your fault. Whether it is or not, it is. For me, I had a mom that cheated on my dad, although she did marry, stay and even died with that same guy, so I'll give her that. Then my dad married another women, with mine and my brothers blessing (sadly). She would tell us how horrible our mother was, and she that she would never do what my mother did or ignore us like she did a lot of the time we grew up. And if anything ever happened to my dad, she was have taken great care of us, (this I highly doubt, looking back and her actions of late.) I wish I had that on record now. Yes, folks, the evil step-mother has shown her ways. It all started after the birth of her own child, when suddenly I was unreliable, (unless she needed me, although not to hear her talk now), untrustworthy and so on. Only problem is, I didn't lie, I did what I was told, for the most part, and all in all was a good kid. They got off lucky comparable to most teens of today or even my half sister. She did well in school, and is, like my step-mom, looking at a good job. She is also out for number one, and has very little family value. May not be so good for a golden years mother later in life. Just saying. They raised her like an only child, and it shows. Is all I'm going to say on that.

So, who is being unmoral?? I was taught to turn the other cheek, most of the time, take care of peoples stuff...well the list goes on. Needless to say, when it came to my stuff, and to some extent my brother's, it was okay to lose or brake our stuff. Okay...this can easily turn into my own little rant, and since that was not my point, I'm going to end with I'm sure we all know were this is going. I'm I perfect, hell no. I'm a person that needs a loving mum from time to time. Or in my case, have always wished I had one. Do I have that. No. Since my dad died it has been worse. Life. What a crap shoot.

So, when you do say, Okay I've had enough? Just like all the other moral issues we deal with, when do you say 'okay, enough'? Society can't fix it's self, to many backgrounds, loud mouths and those with real idea's just can't be heard. Please. After all, it's easier to just blame society, not only do you get off the hook, but you're not blaming just one person, so it's a lot harder to tell the injured party, 'No, it's your choices that got you there'.  After all some people do have a point...however, most don't.

People do have bad things happen to them, and they didn't put themselves there. Many even try to fix it the situation before anything bad happens to have it fall apart anyway. And what do they hear? 'Get a job you lazy bum.' More so from people that have never been in those situations, and that doesn't just mean rich, but middle class people do this too. Sure, sometimes that is the right wording, after all there are a lot of scammers out there, but a lot of times, it's not a scam. If the person is trying, it's not a scam. The eyes tell a different story. So...what can we do if fixing society isn't the answer.

Us. Doom right? Not really. We all know right from wrong. Some pick right, some pick wrong. It's hard. Life is more then the a clear cut black and white line. Although, black hat vs white hat would help, am I right? So, sure there are times for grey. But, even in grey there is a light grey and a dark grey; however, dark gray is basically going to the, Quote -N- Quote 'Dark Side'.

Here is the funny part, if we fixed ourselves, stopped worrying so much about what our neighbor thinks or is doing, society would follow.  After all, we do make up society, but then we would also have to stop using it as a hiding patch when it's convenient. Oh, the moral dilemma.

Friday, September 19, 2014

To Forget or Not....hummm....

It's been a while since I posted. Life has been, well up and down, but who hasn't right? When I look back at all the moments I just thought would never end, or had no resolution in sight, I'm glade to be looking back at that moment to see that somehow we got through those times. I believe in God, always have and helps to believe he has a plan during these times of tribulation. To have that faith to rely on, even when the sad truth is that sometimes bad things must just come, it helps keep me slightly more sane.(Not that I don't cry, yell and scream sometimes anyway.)

Sometimes I can see things, I would call miracle happen. From small to big. A small miracle that was big to us would was the very fact of us not only getting in to our 3 bedroom apartment, but also with no issues. And there could have been! Another small one is when I finally had money to spend at Goodwill for clothes, not only did I find most of what I needed on sale, but they had some very cute things. Which doesn't always happen. I'm more of a Value Village Gal myself. So yes, even though not all of our life is one hundred percent fixed, I believe it is getting there.

Now, sadly I have no real connection with my family, expect with my brother. It has been a study downhill slide since the unexpected death of my dad. It is what it is. I could go into why most of it has nothing to do with me, but whether true or only my perception of truth, unless you lived my little life, it's hard to understand. Hell, I don't even fully understand. I can say, our little family has been going through a lot, starting with the move here to OR in general. Which I may have talked about in my first blog, not sure. We have had a lot of up's and down's, and sadly, without the help of a dear friend, I have no idea where we would be right now. I wish I could say that about family, and if my dad was still alive, I'm sure I would have.

I guess I still have issues about my feelings on this, as it is still coming out in my writing. The biggest thing I need to work on is fully letting things go. Letting the chips fall. I think of the people I once called family, wonder what they are up to, or if they think of me, but then I let it go, (for the most part). My brother, as with my whole life, is still close family, but other then those in my home now, sadly that is all I have.  I guess those, all family's are complicated to some kind of point, even if they are the only ones that see it.

Now, TV shows and a lot of movies got family right. Or I should say, what we want it to be. It's like Christmas, once you take out all the commercialization from it and just enjoy the holiday, it can be a great and magical time. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas as a remembrance of Jesus, it's still a very symbolical time for family and friends, caring for your neighbor and generally being kinder to your fellow man. Something most of us cannot keep the whole year, sadly. However, it seems during Christmas, most people do seem to be a little bit more open to the idea. At any rate, some of the family values I learned from TV and Movies...(sad huh?)...I do try and put into my day to day life.

I'm not fully sure where I'm going with this blog today. My thoughts are...random. But, then I warned you there would be days like today. I suppose on an up note, I'm writing a children's picture book, a few young adult stories and even have my first Fan-Faction story up. I'll be posting my own Fiction on a sister sight to my Fan-Faction very soon.

Well, I think I have rambled on a bit, so I think I'll close out this blog with a 'food for thought' thought. If, you could change something in your life, take it back, would you? Or, is having those things happen, even bad things, made you who you are? If you're not happy with yourself, will you change and move forward, or stay idle and hate yourself and blame the the world?

Friday, June 27, 2014

How Dependent We Are

Recently I found myself with out internet for a whole two months. It's odd how you may not realize how much you do online until you do not have it. I have one person on YouTube that I like and I found I missed being able to watch those posts, I missed Netflix, and being able to post to this blog even or update Face book. Those all the social or fun things but I even found myself thinking often, "I really need to look up"...or..."I wonder how much I can find that on Amazon." Yes, so dependent we have come even when we think may not need the internet that often, or don't use it that often.

I know this blog is kinda a past time, after all not to many people read it, and no one is following it, that's okay, not why I have it. Cool if people find this interesting, don't get me wrong, but it is what it is. *smiles. I just found that I missed having the option. Maybe that what people need most, options.

After all, what is more fun, choosing to do something or being forced to? I'm wondering off. I got this very cool coupons and you have to go online to use them. I found myself so excited when I could finally check out the sites and see what they where all about. *Smiles

As I was saying, it's just interesting how dependent we have gotten. I missed the internet, we do not have cable, so Netflix is our TV, and boy do I miss it. We have another week to get that back, but now I have at least Crackle. I'm even happy to get some games back. Well, that's my two cents tonight.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Anothe Day, Another Thought

I can thank Uncle John's Heavy Duty Bathroom Reader for this blog. I was reading about how some shows were cancelled only to be re-hired for air again. This is not what fully surprises me, what surprises me is finding out the real reason. Lets take Scrubs. I really enjoyed that show, thought it was very funny and thought they had some very good life lessons, for those that want to pay attention. They ended the show on a nice up note, only to find the network needed to fill time in the next season, so they had Scrubs do 13 more shows. Okay. Funny thing is, I thought it was because people really wanted it to come back for a bit. Not just to "fill time". However, since the ratings went down a bit, (of course you really can't blame that on the show, they did have their final one and normally you don't expect to see it in the next season line up, even if it is only 13 shows), I guess this shows the popularity did not raise however.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is another one. I would not call that, or Angel for that matter a little, underground or small show, yet the WB did. Which is kinda funny, I only watched the WB for shows like this. They ended Buffy (by killing her), but then the show was picked up by another network and had another 2 years before finishing for good. Due to ratings that never really went back up. I guess I just find it kinda funny, since it seems rather well known all around. Even my grandfather watched it. *smiles.

With so many people watching stuff and with so many different shows on all at the same time, why do they think we all want the same stuff an anyway? Yet, they also think that by change we may never want to watch something that may be on at the same time as something else?? Have they forgotten streaming? Hummmm...

What do I mean right? Well, I loved Buffy and Angel, but also Charmed. Three shows, now, they did not over lap to for those shows it made it easier to enjoy. However, at some point I was into DarkAngel, Scrubs, X-Files, CSI, Lie to Me, Simpsons, Frasier, and oh who knows what else. I know that all of these over lap at some point and what I'm saying is, I like a wide range of things, not just one and I really do not think I am alone. I know they need to go by ratting a bit, you can't pay for show if no one is watching, given, but they put to much stock into it without looking at the big picture. Oh yes, did we notice not one of them listed was a 'reality show'. After the first season of those they need to stop them, to me it isn't really 'reality' if you're pushing the people to get ratings.

This does not mean all shows can run 9 to 15 years. After all, we don't want a looping soap or crap writing. Shows must end...7 years seem to be a good length for most. For shows like I am talking about I think 9 is about as far as you should really go, sitcoms however, can work longer, since so much can change, as long as the writing doesn't become stale.  Buffy I think did need to end, it was time, however, Angel, no. That was not ready, though I am happy for Bones and how well it is going. Something like that is also a long lived show, since it's more mystery and every changing stories with enough character involvement to keep it tied together and create a sense of kinship with the viewer.

Right now I am really into  the new show, Sleepy Hallow, but I can not watch it all the time, unless I stream Foxnow, or get cable, which I'm not doing. I also very much enjoy Lost Girl and enjoyed Doll House...the first part anyway...I'm undecided on season two, I know it's been a bit since Doll House, I just was hoping the writers wouldn't go the route of the doll house all evil when you can clearly see that good did and can come from it too.

The fact that I do not have cable, do not want cable and have no plans to attain cable is a little bad for these shows, since I stream them or by dvd's. Why would I not want cable, you may ask. Honestly, there is not much I want to watch....and there is that whole life thing. So, on average, I watch and can not wait for my shoes to come on Netflix! Streaming needs to be considered before just writing off a show! DVD's cannot be taken out of the loop either, when they do this they lose great shows like Eureka! It was building in popularity, but because it was taking to long, the network, (not SyFi, but the other one that SyFi fought to try and keep Eureka, I want to say ABC...however I could be wrong, since I'm going off my memory and opinion in this post.), shut it down. Yet, Netflix and Dvd's sell and other media showed high interest. Sad.

The same basic thing happened to Angel, they where doing great, and at the mid-season party WB...or was it Fox?...No WB go and tell them how great they are doing, (I liked Buffy but I loved Angel, other then the death of Cordelia, didn't like that as much or the story line leading up to, other then that great and season five was bloody brilliant! How can you not love a puppet Angel...I have that. hehehe....I even like how Fred changed, though sad and upsetting, I was really pulling for Wesley.) Yes, well, as I was saying, at the party after 11 or so shows have been done they tell them this is the end of the season. So they about 11 shows to wrap it all up, all in all they do a great job.

I, however, do not like the ending, very end, but up to that, good. Not that I blame the writers really. I'd be pissed to, I don't care if they say it was show you never stop fighting, I'd just be pissed. Of course, we now have Bones which is also a great show. And when I need my fix from any of these wonderful shows I either thank the gods for DvD's or Netflix and quite often both.

Okay, so have I lost my original point? Not sure. I guess what I'm saying in a nut shell is....Stop putting good shows on the shelf because of a dip or because you are only looking at cable! GRRRR. Oh wait, that was not my original point was it? My really original point was, how often we think we know something because someone told us, only to come to find out later we were wrong. Not a big deal, as in with the shows, but just a "huh, isn't that funny." kind of thing. Okay, so there is my little odd thoughts for the day.

If you like you can follow me. After all, it's always nice to know your 'liked'. Anyhoo, lame I know. Look for another blog soon, I'm sure something else will gain my attention or thoughts again soon.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Love is in the air....

Or is it? Well, I guess that depends on weather or not you have anyone in  your life. It's so funny that a little hallmark holiday can really make or brake a day. I'm thankful not to be alone, but for all the very many, many years I was, I did many things to get me through this lovely-dove day. Sometimes that was celebrating the greatness of being single, to ignoring this day all together; however, neither of those really made me feel better.

I think what really helped me was family and friends. Not so much making it about love but appreciation for people that love you and that you love in different ways. I have never had that many friends, taking quality over quantity, so I generally do have thanks to give. I believe those V-days where I remembered family and friends were as nice as they get, other then when you have a special someone; however, I still try and make sure that I tell friends and family thank you, I love you, and\or I appreciate you. Love is a funny thing, it grows, even if we only plant a tiny seed.

Sadly, for those that only have thorn bushes either in their own hearts or surrounded by those sad people there is, honestly, not to much one can do. If these people are around you, I say latch onto yourself and know you deserve love and get out and find it. For those that have throns in their hearts, I say to you, stay home, lock the doors and enjoy the darkness; however, whatever happens, do not ruin today for the rest of the people trying to enjoy themselves, whether it be with friends, family, or a new\old love. After all, even grouchy people need to take a day off.

Now, on the fun side, do as Aphrodite would do, make much joy and have lots of enjoyment....safely.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Some Interesting News...

Okay, so normally I keep out of things that are...well controversial because it's so easy to be reamed for agreeing with one side and not the other. Land of the Free and Free Speech seems to be a thing of the past unless you are spreading hate. A true tragedy of today's world.

Upon being alerted to this controversy from LinkedIn about the new Coke AD, I was shocked when I read how Coke was now receiving a backlash from this commercial that aired at the Super Bowl this last Sunday. (Here is the Link from YouTube if you would like to see it: To me this was very ironic, due to the fact that the commercial was a good message and very well done with a lot of respect kept in mind for not only the song but how they represented the people. I did not come away from view the AD thinking, "How dare they sing that song, even in part, in languages I do not understand." I heard the beautiful harmonies of all these people singing the same song, the fact that it started off with an image of a cowboy on his horse, who represents honor and respect is a testament of how Coke wanted to show the fundamental etching that is and was America, but then moving on to show family, friends, and the unity of people of all ethnic backgrounds coming together and enjoying life and freedom, was the perfect time to have the singers switch into the other languages found in the States to show that all feel the some pride and happiness of being American. Even if it is a little idealistic and very much the American dream that many, old and new, try to reach. I really feel this was a testament of how, once again, Coke was trying to keep the honor and dignity that is what the song is suppose to represent.

However, in respect to the other view point, I can see were some people may feel it's just another way of forcing the message that all Americans must learn different languages, other then English which is suppose to be the dominant language of the States, to be American. (Of course there is always those that are arguing just to be haters, but for those that may not be expressing themselves correctly, I can see the language issue being the real issue and being blown up and represented as raciest because that's a lot easier and sells papers better then real lower key issues.)

It's not a stretch of the imagination to understand this feeling, after all if one travels someplace else within the world it is expected that their language is learned. So the question before us is, why is it different here? Why do people think they do not have to learn the dominant language of America and why are we not enforcing it? (What you do at home is home, or talking with friends, it's more road signs, people working here, and what not, this is what I'm referring to, not peoples right to speak what they wish outside of the workforce, schools, and driving road signs) This is not to say we shouldn't be as an American people encouraged to learn  new languages, or embrace them, but forcing it never goes well, or have we not learned that from history either? People do not do well when force in any relation. Force should be used very wisely and only when it must be, forcing language is not a good use; however, this was not the issue with the Coke commercial.

No. They did a wonderful job. Not only do they show a very wide verity of ethnic groups, including white, (often it will be something about the joy of ethnicity only to leave out the European  group, which is just another form of exclusion), but the words were in English and other beautiful languages. This was not about forcing anything, it was about reminding us that America is, and has always been, a melting pot and that is what makes America unique.

Many people on both sides of the fence are, I think, using poor choice in the words and the ways they are trying to agree or disagree with a point, which leads to a very unproductive way of expressing ones self. In my opinion, the people that are doing this are changing one narrow view point for another; however, I do believe I understand the sentiment and what they are trying to say in the favor of Coke and a more cultural view point of America. The belief that it is one ethnic group keeping peace unreachable is a lie. It is a collected effort by everyone. This spreads from the daily news, to individual people as a whole.

Sadly, I do fear this construct will continue until people stop putting their ethnicity in front of "America" and just start calling themselves "American". Oh, I'm sure some people would have issues with what I'm saying, after all, what is anything without a lot of people disagreeing because they can? This does not change the fact that we are all either American or not. Visiting is visiting. If I moved to England and committed to that country, I would not say, I'm American-British. I would just replay I'm British. This does not take away your ancestry, it only places you as part of all the other people that are proud and commented to the country they live in.

The odd, funny, yet sad idea about all of this is that as a whole, the human race, will never go forward until we all let the past go.

It's the past. We can learn from it, move forward, hopefully, with new ideas of what to try and not to try, but we can not change the past. A good example of this is government, they forget people are strong and when they have nothing else to lose, they normally march and burn, or in some cases cut the heads off, the ones they see as abusing their power and ruining the working classes lives (the ones that keep any country going). This leads to total anarchy and a big waste of peoples potential and a long drawn out span of time were there is more death, sickness and unproductive reaches. Yet, government after government forgets, grows to be big and greedy with very little regard to the people and repeats the past with new and inventive ways that do nothing to improve the world. That is not learning from the past or letting go of it.

Almost nothing is black and white, it's all pretty much various shades of grey. There are always two or three sides of any story; however, as humans, (yes, we are all very much human, I think we forget this a lot, ethnicity is our background, genealogy, but we are all brothers and sisters of the human race.), hate is so much easier then trying to understand your neighbor or forgiving them, isn't it? Yet, pathetically also very unproductive.

All the things we could all be doing right now, learning, or accomplishing if not for greed, hate, grudges and wanting something for free. What a wast for a species that has so much more potential then we give ourselves.

I say, to all boycotting Coke for trying to do a wonderful job of bring us together (which by the way, is their normal message), shame on you. It is shameful for it is the differences within America that makes her beautiful, not what is the same. These go from all the different regions and climate, to her very people and melding cultures. Yes, this all comes with a very colorful past due to all of us trying to be heard, but do not blame or go after Coke for trying to show what America should be. Before you throw the stones, take a look at yourself and ask, am I American and am I truly voice my own voice on the real issue and is it worth it?

Why is Peace and Respect for each other bad words? Lets think about that? How can we expect peace or respect when we cannot even practice it? Sad. I say, good job Coke and do not appligize for the ignorance of a nation that only wants to say we are one people, as long as we do not have to play nice together. All our children die for our freedom, not just one ethnic group. What good is their death if we do not try and live the dream they are told they are dieing for?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Writting or Chores?

The wonderment of where time goes is a never-ending thought. I started my day over 2 hours ago, and I still have done very little on reorganizing my folders and USB's. I am trying to get my artwork up on my portfolio site, well, I should say more artwork. The really good art one knows is better, but still need that fine tuning you just need to give it so you know, or I should say, feels it shines! (Artists of any sort or most often there worse critics.)

I have many stories I need to finish, a few books, and yet, here I am blogging. Yes, will the procrastination ever end??? Not if I can help it. No really, it will. So, here I am, blogging, while hoping my daughter, who is a 3 year old, gives me the blissful time I need to do anything but run around chasing her. So far, I've gotten up many times so far. I love her a whole lot...but wow, can it getting frusting to finish anything. (a slight smile of amusement)

Life has made some unexpected turns in our lives as of late as well.   Some good, in the sense of a reset of sorts, but harsh in the sense of being homeless. Thankfully, however, my best friend and someone which is very much like a sister to me, let me and my family move in. We are going on a new adventure together as they are going in to flipping houses, we are going to do most of the labor so we can live rent free, but in doing so save for are own  home in turn. If all goes well, we may become a type of partner in the whole thing down the line. (a hopeful look)

So far all is well. Now, for my writing. As I have said it is kinda funny how your mind wonders and thinks as you sit and know for sure you have many, many things to do, yet here I am Blogging....oh I've said that. Humm....30 minutes later .... perhaps it would be wise for me to get back to something I'm suppose to be doing....

Or I guess I could just keep writing... it's almost like writing stories and spinning tales,  just on a different level. I am even recreating a game my father started when he was much younger. Before he died told me he would like to see the game (which is kinda like a D&D game in it's playability and tabletop game play) emerge from the depths of nothingness once again. That may not have been his exact wording, just my interpretation of it. (laughs to myself)

Alright, as I get up for the 5th time since sitting down and letting my daughter play outside in the backyard, I redirect my attentions and once more get back to work and stop my musings for now. (chuckles slightly as I wonder if I caught every misspelled word.)