Friday, February 14, 2014


Love is in the air....

Or is it? Well, I guess that depends on weather or not you have anyone in  your life. It's so funny that a little hallmark holiday can really make or brake a day. I'm thankful not to be alone, but for all the very many, many years I was, I did many things to get me through this lovely-dove day. Sometimes that was celebrating the greatness of being single, to ignoring this day all together; however, neither of those really made me feel better.

I think what really helped me was family and friends. Not so much making it about love but appreciation for people that love you and that you love in different ways. I have never had that many friends, taking quality over quantity, so I generally do have thanks to give. I believe those V-days where I remembered family and friends were as nice as they get, other then when you have a special someone; however, I still try and make sure that I tell friends and family thank you, I love you, and\or I appreciate you. Love is a funny thing, it grows, even if we only plant a tiny seed.

Sadly, for those that only have thorn bushes either in their own hearts or surrounded by those sad people there is, honestly, not to much one can do. If these people are around you, I say latch onto yourself and know you deserve love and get out and find it. For those that have throns in their hearts, I say to you, stay home, lock the doors and enjoy the darkness; however, whatever happens, do not ruin today for the rest of the people trying to enjoy themselves, whether it be with friends, family, or a new\old love. After all, even grouchy people need to take a day off.

Now, on the fun side, do as Aphrodite would do, make much joy and have lots of enjoyment....safely.

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