I've found myself thinking of that annoying word 'Christianity' is. I do believe in God. Let me say that, but I find I agree with the views of Atheists more often. Why? They do not hide their true morals behind the guise of 'God' when it suits them. If God truly wants people to be moral, be good to each other, and stop being so judgement to each other, then you won't find that in any church. Sure they preach it, but then they preach a lot and follow through in very little. Mostly what you get is why they are right and all others are wrong, even though they are suppose to all 'christian'. And if your not part of the title of 'christian' that's even worse.
No, what they teach is to look down on your fellow man, walk around homelessness unless you can be seen doing a good deed, and make sure you keep your nose high while trying to appear humble. In my eyes, that is not what it was about. What mean is, faith. Faith is not the same as religion. Something I learned while working at Barnes&Noble in Seattle, WA. Nor is being a christian. It's a state, not what religion you are. Something I had to come to understand. I guess I can blame my father for tell me at a young age, question everything, do not take it at face value. So I didn't.
What's funny, is you do not need a church to be part of God's world. No where will you find that stipulation. Nor, does it say come to Him blindly. To seek Him is to seek Knowledge. Or that's what I got from it. I love having my views challenged, but then I'm not one of these crazy people that think science is all wrong. Yes, I do think the big bang theory happened, I just believe it had help. The timeline and the bible do really go hand in hand if you look at it as a timeline, not a word for word thing. Also the world is not flat, and the sun does not go around us. (to all the egotistical people that thinks the universe does go around them.)
Who knows what it may be if the bible was only altered to help the church. Yes. I know. But I also think that the bible can still speak to you (not literary), and that for the most part, in today's world they are trying to keep it as close as they can in new translations. At least not trying to impose their own words more then it already was.
The rest comes down to right and wrong. I have issues with a lot of what God did in the first testament. Like a king that kills a man so he can take the wife, then God punishes the people till the king finally cries out for mercy to the people for his wrong doings. One, that seems so mean, but if you look at from today, how may wars are we in from the leaders of our countries, not the people? So many die for needless greed, more often then not. So what is that story really about? However, there is one where a man ...a prophet is made fun of by a group of boys, cries out to God to have them mauled by a bear. I had to look that up because it made no since. After I read it....it still seems a bit excessive. Maybe if they where doing more like beating him up or something but I don't know. So, that I take more into someone had a bad day. But that's me. I don't throw it out, it's more a glimpse into what is going on in a mind we can't talk to. However, I would not use that as a, "See this is God tell me I can kill you for making fun of me!" Either. As I said, to me it was an over reaction. With what little information we have on that part.
Now, if you keep reading or doing a little research, the bible also goes on to teach, 'do not judge or you will be judged how your judged.' Not word for word mind you, a basic restatement here. So don't go quoting please. Well, we all will make a judgement, but if we think, wow if I did that do I really want to go to hell? (Since that is something people of faith are suppose to believe in.) I mean hell is suppose to be for the worse of the worse. So you send someone there, I'd hope, that really, really deserved it. Case in point. The church (man made by the way) teaches us that if you aren't a christian you go to hell right? Well, how do they know what a true christian is? I mean, I can't read God's mind, and if you read the bible he's forgiveness has forgiven things the church tells he won't, while saying he is all forgiving. (which is it?) In my mind, I don't think I want to judge people to hell, I may need that forgiveness someday.
I was working at Borders books in Seattle, WA when a man came up to me. He asked me, "Are you a christian?" Admittedly I found that very odd, so I answered in that uneasy way may do when uncomfortable and said, "yes?" He then said with an edge in his voice, "So you believe if I don't believe in Jesus I'll go to hell?" Now I remind you this was out of them blue of me just working and putting books away. Why he picked me I have no idea to this day. It's not like I ware a lable that says, I'm a christtian and I want to judge you.
However, after his question I didn't hesitate. I said, "No." I could see his surprise as he slightly stammered out, "But, you said you're a christian." I said, "yes I am. But I do not know what will happen when someone dies. I do not know if you have a valid reason, or a good heart. God makes that choice, not me." He just walked away without another word. I stood there a moment going.."what the?" But, I do think he had never gotten that response. Which is truly sad.
I think faith is more of an unspoken act of goodness that we all may have, no matter what you may think or believe. I think the christian that throws the first stone happily then cries out for protection will be thrown into the depths of hell faster then anyone that calls themselves an atheist.
I have a friend that is an atheist and I found it refreshing to once again have to think about why I do or do not think the way I do. I need it. I hear so many dumb arguments, oh and the one that is, 'the bible says it, so it is.' COME ON people. Really. Nothing. Even has a christian one can use logic and facts to back up one's side if a little true research is done. Do not take everything at face value. Yes, some things come from faith and feelings. the ones that is hard to express otherwise. But, it's hard to say no one has any feelings or a type of faith. Even if it's in the way that you use what you witness and go through. You will, of course start to take faith people or things will not lie or drastically change and what not. It's the basic ground work for trust. Even in facts.
At any rate, I'm sad to know that I don't think many think like I do. Or if they do, they really get shuffled in the background. Shunned also by the very people they say we are a part of. I don't see it. As I said, I have more in common with those calling themselves atheists, if nothing more then I am not ruled by non logic and unchallenged doctrine.
I hope one day, people can find a better way to communicate to each other, but till then, we will have a world of turmoil and people shaking their head going....'really?' Good luck people. Try and remember you may not be right either before you dig your feet in the ground and make that line. Make sure it's a worthy line. -Out
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