I normally try and write a blog sooner then this, but I've had no internet for a long time. Sucks. It's amazing how much we do online. Some say, 'internet is a choice, you don't need it.' No, it is not. So much from government help, to job search and app's are all online! Mail, pay stubs, weather, shopping....all online. And right now I'm in a VERY small town, so you want anything, Amazon here I come!
This is a short time for me to have internet for now. I hope soon to be back to normal, but circumstances have led to a blissful few days of internet.
You know small towns are hard. If you are not raised in them. They are not like T.V. where everyone knows your name. Well kinda. Expect they use it to talk behind your back. Now, not everyone, let me say that now; however, it's a lot. The gossiping, like a bunch of young teens before we're suppose to know better. Why so bad? ....better to do. Give me the Big City shadow, any day. More crime? Not as often, however, while living in this small town I've seen a few robberies, a murder, and a but load of domestic violence. In area's of this increasingly small town. Are there good, sure, and would I be so harsh if they were more honest, no. But, for the bible belt (save me) it's a very hypocritical area. Dance is not, nor will ever be evil. Free thought.....not evil. Learning, not evil. And not fitting into a box...(proudly) not evil. But they kinda teach it that it is.
Now on the whole, this is my over all issue with the human race, it's just so much more in your face when you live in a small town. Some are worse then others, some better. There are good, think out side the box people here too. A few. But they are in turn treated, differently.
I, like most people, don't agree with what everyone says or thinks. If we all agreed I bet it would be easier and quieter, but a lot less colorful, and I expect, boring. I try to respect a different view, mostly, some views I just can't agree with because those views only cause pain, but I do try for the most part. That doesn't mean I agree or will change my opinion or thoughts just because one is presented, but I can and do listen. And not just till I speak again. Why is respect for someone such a hard thing now a days? Or maybe I shouldn't say respect, but courtesy. As humans we have the ability to know better, yet on average, we choose not do have this.
This is how it is right. All the idea's in the world, we use half for evil....do good with some and find a profit for the rest. Then deny and complain. I have no idea if I really believe we can grow out of this or not. So much art, inspiration, caring in the world. Yet over shadowed by profit, greed,
Been on my mind. Our lives are hardened by those that don't seem to understand or just don't care about what actions they take or do can affect someone. We do make mistakes, but mostly just trying to fix and re-fix what is going on. But then, that is what most of us are trying to do right? Humans......