Wednesday, December 9, 2015

To Each Their Own....

I've been around long enough to realize that life is funny. Not always, 'ha, ha' funny, but 'odd' funny. I watched a video with a friend today, that had wonderful typography, and was about education is more then going to school. This is true. School has it's place, it helps in many ways, but does it show us our true potential? Not often. Mostly do to the fact that if you don't fit in a box that helps the school, then the school is not really helping you. You just become one of the nameless numbers meant to fill it's ranks.

A lot of teachers who started out with the idea to reach a child, mold the minds of many are sadly having or have had their dreams dashed do to the politics of school districts and school boards. Parents are also creating a state of school where teaching kids, holding them accountable and learning consequence seems to be a crime. Oh and we can't forget the increasingly dumb reasons to sue school and the wonderfully smart judges that have aloud it. (Please know I'm being very sarcastic here.) Now, I'm not saying all teachers are great or are not great, or that all schools are or are not wonderful. What I am saying is, if you put nothing in, you get nothing out and school politics that are now working like government politics has got to go!

The human experiment has either failed or is somehow working, although I'd love to know how. After all, you can't gauge this by our so 'non'-judgmental media. How can we take there word on anything? Maybe if they didn't get paid and just did it for the they claim, but they are now so concerned with there next money maker they stretch everything. They can't wait to tell us how bad racism is still today, leaving off all the good or non-racist people. And lets not forget another good hot topic issue when news is slow because people weren't so bad, Women's rights!  Yes, because women are still told daily how to marry, where they can or can not go and are seen so stupid they are not aloud to vote. Yes, some racist things do go on, but lets be honest with ourselves please, All ethnic groups  have these issue with others and within their own 'groups'. Same with women's rights, women have so many rights we are board and are trying to create men into women. Please, stop that by the way. I'm not a man hater nor do I want to sleep with women. Women are nuts and having me in my head is fine. All men do not need to be a women. Just saying.  So....why are we pretending that this weeks most important, 'blah, blah' issue is the most important thing and the media can't possibly spin anything? Instead of looking at it saying, 'hummm.....they must need money this week'.

My family is going through some stupid crap, all because the one's sitting in the big chairs that tell us how much they love their workers, couldn't wait to fire him and layoff another when they called them out on their bull-crap.  It's so easy for them to do that. High in the ivory tower. Why is it that the backs of the people they stepped on to each the ivory tower are so worthless to the ivory tower people? Oh, right, because we allow it. Why? Because for some reason we are so afraid to loss our job well let them write us up on false write-ups so we can continue to be underpaid. Why is that again?? How easily we forget that nothing changes unless we change it. Stand together or crumble apart. Right now we chose crumble it would seem.

We can pretend, but what the hell is America so proud of anymore? Wonderful boss that care? No. People that look out for their neighbor? Not normally. OH, I know, we at least have a government that cares for the people, works For the people and doesn't see us as nameless cattle that is to stupid to realize that we are expendable. No....wait. We are cattle that the government uses and gauges us as acceptable losses. When convenient. The rich once again dictating life. How....refreshing.